Once again we are thinking about opening server applications, this is, free servers, but we have an upgraded server. We dont have it up yet but here will be the specs
OS: Windows Server 2003
Game servers avalable: Skulltag MTA SA
Speed, Locations:
Location 2:
Location 1: U

How fast is 3 Megabytes per second? Try downloading this free MP3 File
ftp://Anon@ This file will be sent to you at approx. 700KBPS (if your ISP supports it, If you are unshure if it does do a quick speed test at speedtest.net and see) Now, take this speed and multiply it by 3 and thats how fast we can download!
A few rules apply:
The speed will be faster if you are closer to souther Illinois
Use Save Target As to get the most accurate speed calculation!
Both locations in southern Illinois
Server Costs:
My servers are usually free but a few do have costs:
Temporary Game Server (you will have to start a new application every week unless A: Server is very popular or B: otherwise notified) : Free
Temporary Game Server (you will have to start a new application every week unless A: Server is very popular or B: otherwise notified) : Free
Windows XP account(1 GIG of space): Free
HTTP Server (No DNS): Free
HTTP Server(With DNS) 10$ a month
File Server: Free
Perminate game server: 5$ a mont
Server Dependability:
Well one of the reasons all the server costs are fairly cheap is because down time will be expected, people tend to turn the server off, power outage and other stuff, but what do you expect from a free server.
A forum has been opend up for server applications here, Here is what the application should look like
#*Game or server:
#Any Mods: (and where to get them)
* items are nessicary for non game servers
# items are required for game servers
#* Why you need a server
#* Why we should choose to host your server
and any more info will go down here