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Main page no longer asks for twitter password.
Well once again, i will still be working on a new site, but im changing the general idea, to a place where you can hang out and chat. IF YOU HAVE AN IDEA FOR A WEBSITE NAME THEN LEAVE IT IN THE COMMENTS. Please, any contributions can help! Winner may get a prize!
Im currently working on a programming website! its not up yet, but it will be in the next month. I will slowly be moving away from this site more and more. Sorry for the inconvienence. Anyone who is an admin on this site, can apply on my other one, and i will most likely accept.
To our newest administrator, Tdog! Glad to have you back on the team! Stay active! Everyone say hi!

Welcome to Free Doom Wads, what is free doom wads? Freedoomwads is a site where you can hang out, chat with the community and share any wads you've made. Nope, just because the site is a doom site, thats not its only pourpose! So go ahead, register, poke around, you may find something you like, and last, have fun!
I will also be keeping everyone up to date with the news updater!
Check out my live stream, if its online.
Voltania (Possible reopening)If you dont know what a voltanian is http://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Voltanian should help.